Thursday, May 8, 2014

Legalizing Marijuana Comment

I agree with Jay’s blog on the legalization of marijuana. This blog does a great job of giving a basic introduction on why the United States should legalize marijuana. The main argument with this issue is money with a secondary argument of health benefits. Evidence of the cost of how much it cost to keep an inmate in prison yearly and Colorado’s tax revenue are statistically correct. Adding citations would make this argument stronger as well as using political interviews as evidence for how Texas stands on this issue.

Legalizing marijuana would be definitely be a money maker but how would it be regulated for sellers. Would sellers have a limit that they can grow/sell? There are too many unanswered questions that would make the rest of the states follow. Colorado seems to be a trial and error period while everyone watches to see what happens. Legalizing marijuana sounds like a great idea on paper but there are too many unanswered questions for all of the states to jump on board. However, Jay makes a good argument on why marijuana is legalized.

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