Friday, March 7, 2014

Religious Based Judges

            In Washington Monthly’s blog “Would-be Judge’s on a Mission From God” by Steve Benen, Steve discusses how certain judges, if elected,  in California would use religious morals as a basis for their judgment. Benen makes his claim to Californian voting adults. The author somewhat builds his credibility by referencing “the Taliban in Afghanistan” but he doesn’t build on the reference so that his readers understand it.  When reading this you can easily tell that Steve has strong opinion about this idea of judge’s ruling based on religious beliefs.

            The author could have done many things to improve his credibility which is relatively low. By referencing the Taliban he starts to build his credibility but when he doesn’t explain the reference, assuming we’ll understand, brings his credibility back down.  Benen does gain some credibility back when he uses quotes from Craig Candelore who is an attorney as well as a supporter for these judges.

            The argument is one sided. Steve makes his feelings very strong about how he feels about judges that will “promise to be biased, partial jurists, basing their decisions on a religious agenda.” From reading this sentence the reader develops a negative feeling towards these judge’s because of the author’s choice of words.  At the end of the blog Steve states that “organizers of this effort believe they have a reasonably good chance at pulling it off -- and they may very well be right” this statement seems contradicting to the blog. At the beginning he talks about how horrible it would be to have these judge’s elected and at the end he states that they will most likely win creates doubt towards the author.

            Steve Benen’s blog is packed with emotion, yet it lacks the credibility to really bring the blog full circle. Benen’s word choice and overwhelming emotion easily leads you in the direction he wanted. Using more sources and explaining the references will create an even stronger blog that the reader will have no doubt believing and understanding.

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