Wednesday, February 5, 2014

"U.S. to Recognize 1,300 Marriages Disputed by Utah"

The New York Times' article of "U.S. to Recognize 1,300 Marriages Disputed by Utah" briefly talks about the federal government granting 1,300 marriages legal. The 1,300 couples married in December when Utah made the decision to legalize gay marriages, shortly after, they changed their minds and denied the couples of the marriage. Barack Obama, who has changed his views on gay marriage, went back and federally overruled Utah. Utah is still fighting to overrule the decision. This article is worth reading because it shows that what you initially believe in at first can be altered rather quickly when it becomes a nationwide concern. Legalizing gay marriage federally and not stately can have more problems than originally. "The federal government will treat two sets of Utah couples equally, while their state will treat them differently" (Times). Federally they will be seen as married but in their state they aren't.
New York Times article:

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