Friday, April 25, 2014

Electronic Cigarettes are they better?

Electronic cigarettes have become a nationwide phenomenon in the past few years. Everywhere you look someone is smoking their e-cig even though the FDA has not proposed any type of regulation until now. A proposal has been issued Thursday, April 24, asking for a foundation to start regulations in the future. What does this mean? It means that the federal government would ban sales to minors and “require approval for new products and health warning labels” according to Fox News’ article “E-Cigarettes Could Get Hit With Regulations From FDA.” The plus side of the government passing this law would be what are people really smoking? Questions like this would be answered and no more misperceptions or wrongful health information. Cause really how well do we as a population know the side effects or even health side effects on a new product that is supposedly better for you than cigarettes.

                If this proposal passes it could possibly be a step towards banning where people can smoke or vapor. There is nothing more annoying than working at H-E-B and having customers walk up and be “smoking” or even at a local business where employees are smoking in front of you the customer. It’s great not having to smell old fashioned cigarette smoke but e-cigs are just perfumed smoke. Good news for those who smoke the product the government, if passed, would not ban any flavors. Plus if you use this product to help quit smoking or to cut down there is no evidence that it helps.

                Even if this proposal does pass it will be a slow and steady progression for benefitting the people.  We will find out in 75 days what the outcome is.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Health Care Critique

In Kumar’s blog, Obama and Affordable Care Act, Kumar does an overall good job of explaining the benefits to the health care law passed last year and proving his credibility. However, there are flaws to this blog. He shows examples of the benefits to health care by talking about preexisting conditions not affecting your insurance but he doesn’t explain the effects of having a preexisting condition. Does having a preexisting condition affect the price you have to pay for insurance? Giving evidence or statistics would help build or lower his argument for health care. Another example is when Kumar talks about insurance rates going down but where is the proof that they have lowered since the health care law. The rates may have lowered but is the coverage you get the same for that lowered price as it was before at a higher rate. Showing the negative effects in terms of the overall benefits of the health care law would strengthen his argument overall. It also gives the reader more of an idea to what the health care law is and the effects.

The author builds his credibility by writing on health care where a large number of people know what it is and does. Talking about Obama adds to your credibility because he is the President of the United States and has a credible background. By not using direct quotes or statistical information it lowers Kumar’s credibility. He could build his credibility more by expanding on his examples with information.

Overall the blog is good, by using a popular topic and giving examples it helps make his argument. A stronger argument or a two sided argument would make it stronger. The credibility is established to an extent with some grammatical errors.